Fowl yanch don open! All you copy and posters, that call yourself bloggers, God is watching you. Nicky Minaj recently joined instagram but what Nigerian bloggers have been feeding, is the updates and posts of an imposter(s)! So I say, Linda Ikeji na umu nnye ya (... and friends), now that the truth the out, what do you have to say about this???? words?!, exactly what I thought!
who remembers this? Bloggers saying she posted it on instagram... finally cats out of the bag!

For some, who don't know, this is her new Instagram profile and name is @allpinkbarbiedreamhouse. She opened it today, with a selfie and these words, "its Barbie, bitch!"

who remembers this? Bloggers saying she posted it on instagram... finally cats out of the bag!
For some, who don't know, this is her new Instagram profile and name is @allpinkbarbiedreamhouse. She opened it today, with a selfie and these words, "its Barbie, bitch!"
with a tweet saying "I do NOT have instagram. OnikaM is not me. Guess I have to make a new one to counter attack. I'm sure that's why instagram won't delete it"Since joining instagram she has posted four photos and they are all here;

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