First things first, dear 2Shotz wife, please do ease on your make-up application. You are a beautiful woman no need for too much color, it just ruins a totally beautiful creation.
To the story; Beverly from BBA recently said she was battered by 2shotz and even showed a scar to prove it. I don't believe her btw, that girl talks too much for any sane person to take her seriously (but hey, you never know). 2shotz wife, pictured below, took to twitter to air her views and of course, stand by her MAN.
For a "wife" your use of words is BARBARIC! You should be the bigger person.

More tweets after the cut...

To the story; Beverly from BBA recently said she was battered by 2shotz and even showed a scar to prove it. I don't believe her btw, that girl talks too much for any sane person to take her seriously (but hey, you never know). 2shotz wife, pictured below, took to twitter to air her views and of course, stand by her MAN.
For a "wife" your use of words is BARBARIC! You should be the bigger person.

More tweets after the cut...

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