... that is if she is truly the Linda Pastor Chris Kwakpovwe mentioned.

Reading my ODM(Our Daily Manna) for August 3rd 2013, yes I take my faith seriously, it talked about choice or chance and I could not help but ignore what Pastor Chris said "... even when hell was released at full throttle speed against me this year by satanic journalists..."
" Satanic journalists" that drew me back to his message of 22nd July 2013 where he wrote on even when you are written off. At the prayer points section, he wrote thus;
To start with, who send the woman go anointing service? No be she use her leg waka go?!
Then again, it might not be our very own "Linda Ikeji"... but she is definitely the only Linda I know who is a blogger, who can pull such a stunt. It should be reminded that the next day after this ODM message, on the 23rd, she published a thesis titled "Dear LIB readers; where she talked about her journey from no money to being a self made millionaire and how she has never blackmailed anyone amongst others things". She didn't totally deny the fact nor confirm it, that she was the person being mentioned in the devotional. Then again, why would a Man of God lie? Why didn't she just come out and say she is not the Linda mentioned and call it a day. I don't blame her, after that kind of prayer point, serious fear catch her! 3 people have dropped dead! That is enough to make me go for 50 days DRY prayer n fasting on a mountain!
During my years in Madonna University, thank God I survived that episode of my life, there was something I learnt(amongst all others). You cannot touch a man who God has blessed. Our Father Chancellor, Father Edeh, was a man of his word. Even when there were a lot of battles here and there, being sued by one person or the other, rumors of the school closing down and all sorts, this man rose above it all. If he swears for you from his imagination, I can guarantee you that it will catch you in the present. Many things were against him but he always held on to his faith that it will get better and my dear it always did. You cannot harm a man who God has blessed or say sh*t about him because God is fighting for him. Any man who kneels before his creator can stand before any one. It is written; "touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm". I remember vividly the story of David; when he had the power to kill Saul and everything was in his favor to put Saul down, he resisted and told Saul he cannot kill the man who God has blessed. So who are you, Linda blogger/facebook analyst to threaten a man of God? Why fight a battle that isn't yours but a cause to claim.
Whoever this Linda is, be it Ikeji or another, you are fighting the wrong battle. And to the woman suing, why not sue the holy spirit, since you are looking for someone to sue. THE PEACE OF THE LORD BE WITH YOU AND YOURS MY DARLINGS. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND.
Reading my ODM(Our Daily Manna) for August 3rd 2013, yes I take my faith seriously, it talked about choice or chance and I could not help but ignore what Pastor Chris said "... even when hell was released at full throttle speed against me this year by satanic journalists..."
" Satanic journalists" that drew me back to his message of 22nd July 2013 where he wrote on even when you are written off. At the prayer points section, he wrote thus;
"Pray concerning the fellow(s) who took me to court years ago in connection with a programme we had at the stadium. This lady claims she was injured in the crowd! THE CASE HAS BEEN ON and I received lots of text messages from one Linda; a blogger/Facebook specialist asking me to drop a certain amount of money otherwise they would work with different journalists around the world against this vision. SCATTER ANY PLAN TO PUBLISH ANY LIE AGAINST THIS MINISTRY!3 people have dropped dead because of this in their camp!"I remember reading this and thinking, Linda Ikeji again?! Like seriously, doesn't this girl know when to draw the line?! How did the matter of a woman who was injured in the crowd during an anointing service concern you so much, to the extent of threatening a man of God to drop an amount of money in an account else you would work with other journalists to ruin his vision!
To start with, who send the woman go anointing service? No be she use her leg waka go?!
Then again, it might not be our very own "Linda Ikeji"... but she is definitely the only Linda I know who is a blogger, who can pull such a stunt. It should be reminded that the next day after this ODM message, on the 23rd, she published a thesis titled "Dear LIB readers; where she talked about her journey from no money to being a self made millionaire and how she has never blackmailed anyone amongst others things". She didn't totally deny the fact nor confirm it, that she was the person being mentioned in the devotional. Then again, why would a Man of God lie? Why didn't she just come out and say she is not the Linda mentioned and call it a day. I don't blame her, after that kind of prayer point, serious fear catch her! 3 people have dropped dead! That is enough to make me go for 50 days DRY prayer n fasting on a mountain!
During my years in Madonna University, thank God I survived that episode of my life, there was something I learnt(amongst all others). You cannot touch a man who God has blessed. Our Father Chancellor, Father Edeh, was a man of his word. Even when there were a lot of battles here and there, being sued by one person or the other, rumors of the school closing down and all sorts, this man rose above it all. If he swears for you from his imagination, I can guarantee you that it will catch you in the present. Many things were against him but he always held on to his faith that it will get better and my dear it always did. You cannot harm a man who God has blessed or say sh*t about him because God is fighting for him. Any man who kneels before his creator can stand before any one. It is written; "touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm". I remember vividly the story of David; when he had the power to kill Saul and everything was in his favor to put Saul down, he resisted and told Saul he cannot kill the man who God has blessed. So who are you, Linda blogger/facebook analyst to threaten a man of God? Why fight a battle that isn't yours but a cause to claim.
Whoever this Linda is, be it Ikeji or another, you are fighting the wrong battle. And to the woman suing, why not sue the holy spirit, since you are looking for someone to sue. THE PEACE OF THE LORD BE WITH YOU AND YOURS MY DARLINGS. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND.
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ReplyDeleteIf Linda knows deep down her that she is not the one mentioned by the so called man of god, she has no obligation to say anything. Her post on her blog that early morning said it all, she has never blackmailed anyone and does not plan on doing so. And why would a man of God open his mouth and curse, rather than to bless? This baffles me about a lot MOGs. Leave God to fight His battles and do your own work as the mortal you are.