This lady is definitely drowning in a pool of STUPID! What on earth possessed this woman? Even the devil himself is confused till date. She has got to stop all this nonsense before she kills someone one day. She recently posted this picture on twitter(twit pic) with a caption "he will surely miss this".

Like seriously Cossy, he left because of it. Am sure he has heard numerous stories of woman killing their men with their breasts and seeing yours(and being very acquainted with them), he just advised himself.
Who puts a strip pole in the house, obviously for entertainment, without knowing how to use it themselves?--- "COSSY".
Her facial expression is seriously DISTURBING! Is that "sexy" to you??? He might have left for reasons best known to them both or him alone.
This woman needs to be put on a leash.
To the guy in question.... guy run to the hills man, run for your life!
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