This was Genevieve Nnaji's outfit to the premier of Chimamanda Adichie's best selling novel, Half of a Yellow Sun in Toronto, during the week. Gene looks absolutely fabulous. This lady works an outfit like its no man's business. I love the look and the fit on her.... Gorgeous. Onyeka Owenu looked gorgeous also and younger in her outfit to the movie premier. I am super excited they had roles in the movie.
Spoiler Alert ----> Kainene was never found. Even till tomorrow no one knows what happened to her. For those of you who have read the book, you def know what am talking about. For the rest, who have not read the book, Kainene was never found.
Curiosity should make you either want to read the book or watch the movie. BTW, since Thandie Newton acted as Olanna, I wonder who played Kainene????....

One more picture after the cut....

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